
Thursday 3 April 2014

Long Bay Recount Aaliyahna

We had to write about our trip we went on.

WALT  Sequence  When? First? Second? Third?

On Tuesday  the 1st of April 2014 the Y5’s and the Y6 came to school very early to go on a trip. We all went into the hall to sort our groups out. There were 3 groups and there was also some parents and teacher aids in some groups. After  that we went outside so we can leave early so we won't get stuck in the traffic jam.

First we were inside the bus waiting  and we were also singing and talking a  little bit. After that  we were a bit lost  we went to another place called Long Bay too  but Mr Nath said it was the wrong place. Later we were going round and round in circles because we didn't know where to go. Then Mr Nath saw a Park Ranger in her car going to Long Bay.  The Park Ranger said follow her if you are  coming to Long Bay . Then we  followed her , she took us under a big fale.

She introduced herself to us  while we were sitting down and her name was Sarah. She had two other people standing beside her. There names were Shan and Margiette. After they introduced themselves we ate our morning tea after they introduced them.

After eating our morning tea we went hiking with Shan. She took us near a stream and gave us some maps she also told us to get into 2 people in one group. There were 3 very good places that we could go and Shan  said the Native trail, Footbridge and also the Aroa. Lots of people chose Native trail so went to the native trail. Shan said we had 50 minutes to get there and back. Shan picked a leader and Charlie tail and also a counter. We were walking very fast,  and we knew where to go even without the map. Shan stopped us so we can spray our shoes so we won’t make the Kauri trees die. Once she stopped us to look at a spider web  that had a baby shell thing inside. We also stopped to look for eels at a bridge.

 After that we moved on to how to pitch a tent and Sarah was still talking to her first group so Shan told us all the things we need to know about pitching a tent. We had to get into a group of 3 and 2 to pitch a tent. Sarah came and gave us the tents. We first were reading the instructions  so we knew how to pitch the tent. It took us along time to put the tent up but eventually we did put it up it was a nice blue one.

After pitching the tents up we got to make sausages we still had to get into groups of 3 and I was with Desire and Luisa. Sarah had a lighter and a pan and also a little tiny stove. We had got 3 sausages in our pan. When it finished cooking inside the pan we got bread and put our sausages on our bread and we put some tomato sauce on and ate our sausages. Later on we did our last activity. We played a relay packing game and it is when you run to your own container get look on your checklist and see if you have got the right survival gear in your backpack. After playing that game we made our own stretcher with sticks and woollen jumpers . After making our stretchers we could lift  someone up. We all lifted 2 people on the stretcher but 1 at a time. We finished and packed our bags so we can go back on the bus. After packing up and saying bye we went in the bus back to school. Finally I went back home  because I was tired.

I had a lot of fun because we did  that walk and also cooked sausages .


Aarmione said...

Hi Aaliyahna. I think that your blog about the Long Bay trip you went on sounded like fun and after reading your recount, I thought how fun it would be if I went on a trip like that, and how much you would have learnt about in one day. I think that to improve your writing, you might need to get someone to edit your work so that next time there's no mistakes.

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