
Friday 29 July 2016

Learning about Fairplay

WALHT : Play fairly with good conduct on the playfield.

How does Fairplay work?

Fairplay is about
* Following the Rules of the Game
* Respecting others on the playfield
* Working together as a team ; sharing & taking turns
* Communicating and solving problems in a peaceful way
* Making sure everyone is included in the game activities
* Being honest in all ways that you can
* Playing your hardest with your own ability

I feel this outstanding rugby league player Shaun Johnson has the qualities of a Fair Player and he conducts himself very well on the playfields.

By Aaliyahna


Lindakiki @ Glenbrae School said...

This is an excellent way of telling what Fairplay is about. I find this information really helpful in plenty ways possible Aaliyahna.So as myself I will say Shaun Johnson has the qualities of a Fair Player Great work. Keep it up.

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